Often as your business grows, the demands of the finance function can become more than you have the time or the expertise to deal with on your own any longer.  Yet employing a permanent finance director is a step too far and too expensive at this stage.

Lothian Accounting can put together a package of services on a fixed-fee basis directly tailored to the needs of your business. You may need just one or two of these services at this stage. You may need them all. Lothian Accounting can design a package that’s right for your business and stage of growth. My fee structure will always include the Freeagent or Xero bookkeeping system, depending on which system you prefer.  I am happy that part of my fees go towards allowing you to operate one of these  systems which brings greater transparency, efficiency and security of your financial information.

What can the package include?

So drop me an email  and let’s talk about you and your business.